I know....I have not been around...I am sorry for those of you who check my page up for updates. I have been a busy bee...
Football for both boys is on full speed with practices every night and games every weekend, pluse we had to get things situated for school to start tomorrow. My eldest is a freshman this year and that has of course put me in a lot of mixed emotions..mostly because he is starting high school in my hometown high school. My second son is ready for school..he will be an eigth grader this year and is ready to see his friends again and be in school.
Besides the busy stuff of the household I am also busy with my jewelry. I have a couple special orders that I need to help Bo finish up and I need to start working on my inventory for the upcoming fall and holidays.
I am really contemplating taking a metalsmithing class at the University here...but I have to make sure that I am not piling up too much things on myself. Going to a class like that would actually be escape from my busy life...smile.
Here are some beads that Bo pumped out about a couple weeks ago. I need to still turn it into jewelry and started with the earring pairs. I love the amber and green color together. It is colorful and yet organic in look.

Here are the finished earrings that will compliment the future bracelet.

These two beads are the result of an expirimentation of swirls. I will probably be turning these into pendants.

This is another organic looking set of beads with a darker hue or browns and greens. I am hoping to also turn this into a bracelet.

Bo has been working a lot and so when he is home it is hard when we are busy with the boys to get him firing up the torch. Hopefully though once we get the boys schedule all worked out again with school and sports we can dedicate more time into our work with the glass. I know he has a lot of ideas and cannot wait to put them to use.
So before I say good bye since we have an actual football game tonight instead of just practice I will leave you with pictures of these fun rings. I call them Sparklies. Are they not fun looking? They are also fun to wear. These two are sitting at The Stash downtown.

If you cannot visit The Stash here locally please visit the blog.
Here is the link.
If you are a local here please stop by the store. Everything is handmade by our local artists and the owners are a pleasure to meet. I am very honored to have been asked to be one of many artists featured in the store. They will be having First Friday events and Bazaars soon so do not forget to check on updates on their blog.
Okay well off I go for now........have a football game to not only watch and cheer on my boys but also take pictures of.
Have a great night ya'll!