"Autumn begins with a subtle change in the light, with skies
a deeper blue, and nights that become suddenly clear and
chilled. The season comes full with the first frost, the
disappearance of migrant birds, and the harvesting of
the season's last crops."
Glenn Wolff and Jerry Dennis
Autumn is my favorite season of the year. I love the color pallet that is set with the changing of the season. Here in Alaska though it is mostly yellow and orange. While I remember in Kentucky the beautiful red maple leaves.
It is also football season for all levels. I have been busy with my two boys and their HS football season. It can be very hectic at times but I will not give any of that time up for anything else but to be there for my kids and their teams.
My husband has also been busy with his work. But we were able to get a moment before his night shift to head to Creamer's Field and walk the trails to see all the change that has happened. It was a nice and peaceful walk despite the amount of people at the trail. But I think both of us needed nature to soothe our souls and also to inspires us.
I want to share with you some of the beauty we saw that day.

It was a refreshing walk. We were able to talk about all our upcoming events and know that no matter how hectic our lives can get we do have to take the time to slow down and enjoy what is around us.
We will be gearing up for our Holly Days Bazaar here and in the midst of that get things situated for our upcoming move.
We are headed to Ft. Knox, KY this December. We will be driving out of Alaska in the winter to head to Haines, AK to board the ferry that will take us and our vehicle to Bellingham, WA. We will then visit with my brother and his wife in Seattle then start our second leg of our journey across the states. It will be another adventure for our family but I know it will have its moments.
So I am trying to take it day by day. I have rooms and closets to clear out to get ready for movers to pack them. I don't want to feel like everything is left until last minute. Although at the same time I can't believe our time is up here in Alaska and it is time to move on again.
For now I will enjoy the time I have left here. I am not ready to say goodbye yet. :(
On a happier note...Welcome Home to all our friends who are trickling in from their tour to Iraq. I am so happy for them to be safe and with their families!
Have a great week to come.