Smitten by simple gestures of love.(Bo picked this pretty Daisy for me when he was walking Kaiah one morning.)
Cooler days to walk Kaiah and enjoy the leaves turn our woods into a blast of color.
Finding the last of the wildflowers.
Decorating our porch with Mums and pumpkins.
Craft Fairs (I am only attended one this year, last year I was a part of the juried Art In the Highlands but they weren't hosting it this year.)
Continuing my homework with college classes and having fun with my online workshop.
Giving in to more creative musings.
Took Stephanie Lee's Handbook of Elements Class. :)Will share soon.
Took Stephanie Lee's Handbook of Elements Class. :)Will share soon.
And of course a trip to the pumpkin patch. (Will have more pictures on next journal entry)
How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. ~John Burroughs~